Since I was a child I have loved looking up at the clouds in the sky. I can remember the day when I was about seven or eight and I looked at the sky and truly saw the sky in three dimensions. I think as small children we tend to look at the sky like its a flat backdrop on stage production. But I remember the day when I realized the clouds weren't flat objects painted in the sky, but revealed the curvature of the planet. There are layers and distance in what we see up there. If you sit quietly and watch you can trace the connection between the earth and the sky above.
It made me think of all those skeptics who said the earth was flat. If you watch the sky long enough, it's obvious the earth is round and curves in all directions.
This time of year we get wonderful clouds in the summer afternoons as cool fronts collide with warm fronts and rain is sure to come.
If you haven't done so in a while, go outside and lay down in the grass, or on your hammock, or in the city park. Look up at the sky and watch the clouds for a good twenty minutes. Really watch. And see if you discover anything new.
You don't post often anymore (I know you're busy :-) ... but when you do it's always worth the wait! This is fantastic, and full of good advice to boot!
Thaks Linda. It's been tough lately. Work and family are keeping me quite busy. But I just HAD to sit down and paint something tonight.
Me, too (re: clouds). One of those simple pleasures of life. A new one coming up shortly in this current Flickr series.
Very nice! Dude, 2 posts in the same week, what is up?? :-)
This is heartbreakingly gorgeous, Chuck. Go check out Liz Perry at Woolgathering's post from last night. You are on the same cloudlength.
What amazes me is house different clouds can seem in different parts of the country. Have you ever been somewhere where the sky just felt "bigger?" I've noticed this when we are on one of the lakes: same sky as on the land but the sky and the clouds seem so much more...substantial (???) Or at night when the fading light brings on the drama and color.
This morning I see thunderheads. Which means they are going to have to suspend work early on my new patio... AGAIN!!!
I am going to do just what you suggest. I'm going to lay down in my backyard and take a close look. I'll let you know what comes of it! I too have always love the sky.
Wow Chuck, this is stunning and captivating.I'm just starting to learn about watercolor -- I'm a pen and crayola gal. Your painting expresses a deep observation. Thank you also for the great advice. I realize that it has been years (!) since I've stared at clouds.
beautiful work, as always.
It's lovely. Why am I seeing a fish head in it, about to swallow a fish? Is it just because I watched the Discovery special on sharks tonight??
Thanks for sharing...
Dear Chuck Rose --
Wow, have I been remiss.
Seen your comments on other blog-friends' posts, but somehow neglected to visit your blog!
Just a quick note to day, you got Skillz...and Napoleon Dynamite is right, Skillz do add to one's appeal.
And I quote:
"...Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills...nunchuck skills... bow hunting skills... computer hacking skills..."
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