Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tree by our little river

Tree by our little river, originally uploaded by chuckrose.

I walk my dog in the morning and I pass this beautiful sight. This is the Little Patuxent River. It's behind our neighborhood and never fails to fill me with joy every time I look at it. This is my third iPhone painting with the application 'Brushes".


Anonymous said...

Great work.. :) I can visualize the tranquility on your painting.. Keep it up!

Lynne the Pencil said...

Wo! I am astounded by this!

Firstly - gorgeous paintings Chuck. Love the tree particularly. Great mark-making and sumptuous colour. But ON A PHONE???? This does not seem possible. How big is the surface you are working on?

Is this really a practical device? Because if it is, outdoor work will never be the same again!!

Chuck Rose said...

Hi Lynn,

I know it sounds crazy, but it actually works. The screen is 4 x 2.25". What makes it work is the ability to zoom in and out on the painting so you get in the details. The downside is it only creates a low resolution image that does not enlarge well.

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