Sunday, July 05, 2009

Here's another iPhone painting using brushes. It's a favorite spot of mine near the house where my hound loves to swim.


Deborah Lazar said...

I like your iPhone paintings. Do you think it helps you to create sketches and color studies? It's certainly less messy. Keep up the struggle, your work is very nice. I am a fellow painter, photoshopper and designer. I am also a huge fan of Richard Schmid.

Anonymous said...

Enjoying the site, lots of great information, interesting ideas and good images - makes me want to get back to making art.
Thought you might like to know I'm back blogging with new paintings and photo's,
keep up the good work
best wishes

Edcooper_art said...

Awsome stuff!..I hear David Hockney is a big fan of drawing on the I-Phone...I think its too late to ask santa!

They look great though & its so protable!

dee said...

:) i've visited your blog a few years ago! now i was searching for some sketches on google and..."i remember that one!" :D it's good to be back. love your draws and paintings

Samarjit Roy said...

Well, here you are utilising that little wonder to the most. And say what? you are not struggling! you are good!!
btw, is "brushes" available for the Nokia touch phones ??

Patty said...

Your profile painting is outstanding. I hope you are still painting.

helen. said...

Can't believe it's Iphone! 'Like the tittle of your blog ;-)

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Very nice, thanks for sharing.

Audrey Heffner said...

I'm in Naples, and I sure do understand the struggle.

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