Sunday, July 10, 2005

More silly stuff from the beach

Group Doodle

It may have been on the same rainy day, but at some point various members of the family - cousins, adults, kids - we sitting around the dining room table. Just shooting the breeze. The 3-year-olds had these wonderful tablets of really cheap newsprint paper. The kind that almost still has wood chips in it.

Without even really talking about it it got passed around the table between some of the kids and myself. My son C did the day-glow Bart Simpson. I did the strange old man. ( I was told I doodle those a lot. Hmmm....) Little neices and a nephew did the feet at the top. A 10 year old nephew did the eagle/human figure in the lower right. We had a good time.


Anonymous said...

I love days and times like this. Your son is clearly on his way.

My kids are too young but they both show interest.

thank you for the water color tip. I'm beside myself because i won't be able to draw or paint until next weekend... but look out!!!!

Harry =)

Chuck Rose said...

I know man. I'm facing a week from Hell at the office too. That's why we call it "Struggling to Paint!".

Kathleen Pequignot said...

Sounds like my kind of fun. :)