Wednesday, August 17, 2005

One more pepper tonight...

It's getting late, but I got another pepper in. Gotta go to bed now though. There's always work tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

This makes me soooo hungry. Freshly cut peppers mmmm. Beautiful details. I like how you post every step.

Anonymous said...

I love the brilliance of your colors, Chuck. I also glaze in watercolor (my background as an oil painter shows) and I appreciate your method of glazing very much. This painting is just so crisp and full of light at the same time.

Chuck Rose said...

Thanks Laura. BUT IT TAKES SO LONG! I was just thinking to myself last night, "Geez, I might as well be working in oil!"...

I wish I could take this to the office and work on it there, but that probably wouldn't go over very well.

Chuck Rose said...

You got it Brian. That's the path to take. Start simple.

For example, take a kitchen chair or a stool and just draw the negative space that you see.

Take someone else's line drawing, turn it upside down, and draw what you see.

In other words, do things that force your right brain to kick in and take over because your left brain can no longer assign label to what it is trying to visually process.

Kathleen Pequignot said...

This project is so interesting. I really love the background. Very luminous colors!

Cin said...

wow Chuck, it's wonderful to see this in progress , if I wasn't curious to see how the final version looks I'd almost say stop now, it looks terrific as is with just the focus on those beautiful colors of the cutting board and few peppers.

Chuck Rose said...

Hey Cin,
I want to finish this up so I can show it to you Saturday! Besides, that big pepper in the middle is a brilliant red that, I think, will really make the composition work. I just hope I don't screw it up!

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