My little brother and I
Originally uploaded by chuckrose1.
Little brother is coming for Christmas. Thruth be known, he's taller than I am but I lucked out and retained my hair. He doesn't really look quite like this. Niether do I. But this is a fun caricature of the two of us together. I framed it and am going to give it to him as a Christmas present. The rest of the family will think we're off our rockers, but that's not so unusual.
Oh yea, he's on the left. I'm on the right.
What a freakin' riot. I love crazy families. Being the eldest of 6 sisters (with one bathroom), you can imagine the stories...maybe a book should be written.
Your art is beautiful
Thanks Jayne. I'm from a big family too.
Ain't it the greatest!
So... no more update ?
This is sweetness. And I like your barn paintings too. Keep up the great work!
He he.Very cool!
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