For all you folks that draw people in coffee shops and diners, my hat is off to you. These are a couple of guys I work with, sketched in a meeting today. This is Juan And Rhyne. You may recognize Rhyne as "Uber Lord of Video" from an earlier post.Not only was a I trying to pull off my ususal I'm-listening-while-I'm-doodling face, but trying to steal truly meaningful, information gathering glances, was difficult.
When I draw potraits from life I'm use to being able to stare as long as I want, and the model knows I'm there. So to you sleath-poeple-sketchers (and you know who you are) you have my deepest respect.
Every step you take is a good step---the 3/4 profile is especially sensitively drawn.
And do I know who I am? ;D
I knew you'd get the message. :-)
Very impressive!
nice work.
damn what is it about that creamy moleskine paper makes everything look so good?
Great sketches! I keep trying to pull off sketches of co-workers during meetings, but keep getting busted and have to scribble over them real fast ... sigh.
Hey, even if you get busted, NEVER scribble over your work! Be proud and they will be flattered.
I totally know how you feel about sketching in stealth-mode! These are really nice Chuck.
i really like your line work. my favorites here are those pieces like this.
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